
ShamanicĀ  Mandala and

Daily Co-Creation Cards

with IntuitiveĀ  Guidance



This Month'sĀ  Shamanic Moon Mandala GuidanceĀ Ā 


Full Super MoonĀ  in Aries at 24 Degrees.



This is the fourth and final super moon to bless our skies this year. A supermoon sits closer to the earth than other moons and appears very big in the sky. This moon brings with it the fiery energies of Aries and the animal spirit medicine of Ram and Hawk. We know Ram to be the leader of the mob: fertile, strong in mind, spirit and body; and Hawk with its sharp eye and endurance as it circles its prey and strikes when the time is precisely right. Those born under the sign of Aries are often admired for their self-awareness and self-confidence, for their fiery passion for whatever they are pursuing, and for being enduring, vigilant and alluring. A natural leader has all these qualities, however you can develop the qualities you admire in Aries over time with self-awareness and practice. During this full moon these medicines are available to us all to tap into and activate in our own soulā€™s coding.

There are other planets and celestial bodies playing their part alongside of this Aries Full Moon, with the Sun holding steady in Libra directly opposite in 24 degree during its last days visiting this sign. Libra, ruled by Venice, brings the gifts of balance, charm, elegance, diplomacy and Venice blesses you with beauty, bounty and loving relating.

Mars, a warrior planet and God of War, is square the moon during its fullness, may bring heightened attention to your emotions and blow things out of proportion. Be sure to come back to your heart if you find yourself triggered, and remember to acknowledge your feelings first. All feelings of anger and frustration can be transformed into loving acceptance of what is if you take time to acknowledge them and offer them to the fire in the womb of the Earth, asking them to be transformed into love and loving acceptance of difference. There is also a comet doing its thing in the sky at present and this may add to fiery energies so be aware that your feelings may be greater than the actual circumstance that you are angry, exhausted or frustrated about. If you are feeling very angry you will do well to check in to see if you may have picked up an entity or two ā€“ an angry passenger in your energy field. You can book a session with me to remove these entities and you donā€™t know how to do this. You can find details of my healing sessions in the Offerings below. These kind of entities that make you angry can also cause pain. I have worked with two people in the past week removing entities that caused pain and they had considerable relief after removing them.


Please seek out your favourite astrologist for further insights into the World Above under this full moon as I would like to move onto the crystal wisdom in this full moon mandala and the messages from my Daily Co-Creation Cards.



In this mandala we find the loving healing energies with red jasper and agate crystals representing Aries and the fire of transformation Ā in the womb of Mother Earth merging with the beauty and wisdom of rose quartz and Venice, integrating with the bountiful, grounding energies of fluorite supporting healing and personal growth. Selenite and clear quartz assist to generate, activate and direct the energies of mandala. The beautiful Selenite sphere in the Centre represents the fullness of the light body reflected from the Sun in this Supermoon.



East Spirit: Trust.

World Above: Expansion

North Body: Perseverance.Ā 

World Without: Tenderness

West Heart: Respect.

World Below: Communication

South Mind: Calm

World Within: Meaning



The energies pouring down from the Cosmos are strong and likely to stir the pot at present. Be certain to check in if you find yourself triggered and do your best not to take things personally or over react if you feel you have been under attack. If this happens with someone close to you, be sure to remove any angry or painful cords between you (book in a short session to learn how to do this with me as I have a very gentle and healing method for this) and clear your entities (again contact me if you want to learn more).

Take some time out to sit quietly, tune into the planet Venus and ask to be brought back into a calm place.

You can also connect your feet to the earth and your heart with the womb of Mother Earth and after feeling and acknowledging and naming your feelings, breathe them down into the fire of the Earth, asking for them to be transformed into love, peace, light, wisdom and joy.

You might also like to transform fire energies of anger into passion and courage so you can take long overdue action around Co-Creating your dreams.

This is powerful energy being gifted at present so be sure to take some time to harness it in wise and thoughtful ways.

Be sure also to be tender with your own feelings and respectful with the feelings of loved ones at this time. Find the courage to communicate what you are experiencing, being sure to use ā€œIā€ statements rather than projecting shame and blame. This is a time of amazing transformation and this full moon is gifting you the medicines needed to assist you to move more directly forward in your life toward your dreaming. You can find deeper meaning and higher purpose in all of your experiences when you take time to tune in at intuitive levels.

Stay calm, and in your heart to assist you to persevere through times of significant change in your life and in the collective. This is an opportunity to learn to fully believe in yourself and trust your journey.

If you are called into leadership (we all are at some level) connect with Ram and Hawk at this time to show you wise ways to do this with confidence, inner strength, unconditional love and grace, in bountiful ways.

Blessings of Love and Grace for All.Ā 


HeatherĀ šŸŒ•šŸŒžšŸ’›ā­ļøšŸ¤—šŸ’žšŸŒøšŸ’•šŸ’—šŸ™

General (across all) Resources and References:Ā 

More about our Daily Co-Creation Cards here:

Suggested ReadingsĀ 

Cornelius Van Dorp: Search for the Feathered Serpent( third in Trilogy of Crystal Mission series. Chapter 5, p.p. 37-37). R.S.V.P Publishing company Limited. Auckland. 2000. https://www.rainbowwarriorbooks.com/shop




You can find The 8 Ways EBook in The Store and the Link to a summary of The 8 Ways HEREĀ 


Visionboards for Mastering Co-Creation under New and Full Moons.

This is a great time for creating a visionboard ā€“ either close to the new or full moon. I am offering personal mentoring online to assist you to create your own visionboard, or you can join others in an upcoming VisionBoard for Mastering Co-Creation workshop in February. Please be sure to subscribe to my newsletters for any upcoming news on when and how I am offering a powerful mentoring sessions and workshop to assist you in becoming a Master of Co-Creation.


The Visionboard creation process that I teach has a five step process over four and half hours to:

  1. Evaluate and strengthen your values and visions and define your major quests for 2023 or this timeĀ  with an assessment exercise.Ā 

  2. Learn about the Sacred Circle Map of Consciousness to guide your way to create and understand the board and map your dreaming.Ā 

  3. Create your board - so much fun.

  4. Define your goals.

  5. Commit to action - with a witness and buddy!

PS If you are reading this, you are most likely a Luminary or Lightweaver. We are all called to illuminate what is good not only for us as individuals but as a whole, to shine a light on what is true and what unites us in love.Ā 

Guidelines for managing life's challenges:

  • Smile at the challenges life presents, and focus on what is good about anyone who may oppose you, being Grateful for their gifts and strengths, rather than being drawn into their anger and projections.
  • Be Aware and trust that there is a Big Picture at work, and magical pathways will open for you ā€“Ā  be alert and look out for signs to show you the way.
  • Keep it Simple and graceful, in flow, with the following mantras, slogans and affirmation at hand to assist if you feel drawn to them, or develop your own:
  • Ā Let Go and Let God (Goddess/Spirit/Source/Creator).
  • Hurt people hurt people ā€“ come from your compassionate heart and do your best to let it go.
  • Easy does it, one step at a time.
  • What other people think is none of your business.
  • Get it done! Do it now!
  • Be impeccable with your thoughts ā€“ you are a powerful Co-Creator.
  • Donā€™t assume, nor be in fear. Check in, check it out.
  • As Above so Below ā€“ keep in flow with Cosmic and Earth Cycles.
  • Look for the best rather than the worse in others.
  • Go with the flow.
  • Know your prayers have been heard ā€“ allow the Divine timing to happen. All in Divine Time.
  • What would Love do right now?
  • Be authentic ā€“ donā€™t dim your light so others can shine. You are the Light and Way.
  • Look out for signs to show you the way.
  • The Universe has my back.
  • I am not alone on this journey.
  • There are many paths I can take.
  • I am guided by the infinite wisdom of the Universe.

Gratitude always for the Ancestral and Spiritual Guidance behind these offerings, and generalĀ  References are often, but not always from:

  1. Roland Legrand Astrology

  1. Tania Gabrielle Wealth Astro-Numerologist: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3BUuSYD7j8VZmc4XGDQoiw

  2. World Numerology: https://www.worldnumerology.com/numerology-master-numbers.htmĀ 

  3. Chirone Shakti Stargazer Astrology

  4. Tameera highly recommended - Astrology Numerology Personal Readings: https://taniagabrielle.com/



Every reading is based on the wisdom held within the Sacred Circle Map of Consciousness as the cards are placed within this weeks Shamanic Mandala. You will be sent a transcript and photo of your Reading by email as soon as it is available. Currently you can expect to receive your reading within 3 - 4Ā  business days of your order.Ā 

Intuitive Reading In Person or Online:

Heather reads from The Nourishing Nest on Thursday, or you can book a zoom reading with her. Send a message in the form below to enquire.Ā 


What Happy Customisers Say:

"I felt her guidance was straight from the necessary source and very clear and clean, so I felt she was genuinely helpful.Ā  Her reading was so spot on and exactly where I am in this present moment in my life. I received essential answers from the three sets of cards for what I need to focus on and clear guidance to do each day to support the journey of where I want to be. Heather was also positively helpful to reconnect with my strengths and potential that can be supported to grow further. My heart was filled with hope and motivation after her reading. Thank you so much Heather.

Yoko Hyashi. "


"Today I felt very blessed to have a beautiful healing journey (shamanic guidance with mandala, medicine cards) with lovely Heather Price.Ā  I have been following her on social media for some time...I feel much more on purpose, my clarity has returned and I am feel ready to move towards my Dreams.

Leanne Butler-Landers".

CLICK THE TAB FOR A PERSONALISED DISTANCE READING FOR $180.00 BELOW TO PLACE YOUR ORDER. You will be taken to a page asking you to sign up or sign in. This enable a more secure process for your order and to allow me to make easier contact with you to further guide the process. Thank you.Ā 


FYI: Mandala means 'circle' in Sanskrit and are created for many different reasons, including to hold energy. Each new and full moon, I will created a mandala to hold the energy this community, drawing onĀ  Daily Co-Creation cards to guide the week.

Everyone is invited to create their own weekly space and energy holding mandala, using crystals or found objects in nature to layout the directions of the Sacred Circle Map of Consciousness. Follow these easy steps:




Your Personalised Shamanic Mandala Reading for all Directions, a two hour process.



  • Cosmic GuidanceĀ 
  • Shamanic Mandala Guidance
  • Crystal Wisdom
  • Daily Co-Creation Card Reading
  • Medicine Woman Card Reading

Step to Create Your Own MandalaĀ 


  1. Gather your crystals or objects to create your mandala. Let your intuition guide you. You will need nine of these for your foundational circe. If you take any objects from Nature, search for those on the earth if you can. If you pick anything from plants and trees, make sure you give thanks as you go. I like to greet and ask a blessing to do this from the spirit of the plant or tree.
  2. Find the right place in your home where you can lay out your mandala. Lay out a cloth as a base.Ā 
  3. Create a circle of Intention by marking out the four Cardinal Directions, East, North, West, South. Each direction will have an association. Choose and object to represent each of these directions. For now, you can use the directions I teach to guide you, however you may develop or be taught other directions.Ā  In Australia, the sun moves from East to North, to West, to South, In the Southern Hemisphere, it moves from East, to South, to West to North. It is best to layout your mandala Sun-wise, according to where you live as this is the way energy moves. The aspect of each cardinal direction is explained in the next step.
  4. East is Spirit, the place where you are reminded of your identity, values and purpose. North represents your Body and world of Physical Health and Wealth and world comforts. West holds space for your Heart and loving connections. South guides your Mind, communication and focus.Ā 
  5. The Centre is your intention for creating the mandala. All other directions support this intention. Choose an object to represent your intention for today, or for the week.
  6. Place other objects around the centre creating a circle as you join the four directions. You can call in what you need to support your quest and/or each direction (supporting your spirit, body, heart and mind) with each object that you lay down.
  7. It is always a good idea to bring gratitude into your mandalas. I like to surround the mandala with a circle of gratitude for what I have supporting me. This can take time. You can integrate gratitude as you lay out each direction. Keep it simple or make it as complex as you like.Ā 
  8. If you have cards for guidance, you can shuffle them and ask for a card for each direction to guide you as to what you can do today to walk more consciously and to support your intention.Ā  I do this every day, using the mandala to hold this energy. I change my mandalas each two weeks to clear and refresh the space in my home.
  9. Stand back and look at you mandala and absorb its energy in to your own field with your breath and intention. Connect with the central intention that you have named and say a co-creation mantra of invitation: I invite in (name your intention) today, may it find it way to me now with ease and grace, let it be so, and so it is, thank you.Ā 
  10. Visit your mandala often to remind you of your intention, and to recharge your energy field.Ā 



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You can find more about The Daily Co-Creation Cards by following the tab below.


Daily Co-Creation Cards Information
With acknowledgement and respect for those who originally walked this country, and to current the custodians, elders past, present, and emerging, and my many teachers. To my ceremony sisters and brothers, thank you for walking with me and sharing your wisdom and love for this country and all peoples and beings of earth, water, fire and air. To the Old People returning, thank you for showing us the way home. ā€‹ā€‹
Thank you for stopping by here and we hope to hear from you soon!