Daily Co-Creation Cards
Guidance for You and Your Day
A Beautiful Way to Enjoy Co-Creation
Do you like to consider and vision your day ahead early when you wake up or before you walk out the door?
Would you appreciate having a tool to turn to check in with your Wise Inner Voice and take a moment to reflect on an important next step?
Are you feeling anxious or stressed and searching for Inner Guidance to help you settle and feel supported?
These cards become companions to turn for deeper contemplation, reassurance, guidance and to acquire a sense of mindful co-creation.
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About These Cards
Cards are a wonderful resource that can be used to stimulate thought, evoke emotional response, inspire spiritual, intuitive reaction, and even prompt committed action. They have been used for this purpose for hundreds of years.
The Daily Co-Creation cards rely less on visual stimulation and symbolism than most inspirational cards, focusing attention on a single word and simple affirmations to support you more consciously through your day. The deliberate simplification of the cards tends to stimulate your mind to create potent energies that are produced through word association.
Having a single word and a simple affirmation is often all you need to guide you into your day and to assist you to focus your intention.
A single card layout can be most appropriate when you feel pressured by time, or the space is not ap- propriate for more lengthy exploration of the card. However, when you are not in a hurry and do have dedicated time to sit and explore, the Daily Co-Creation cards offer more complex layouts to draw out information and guidance around the situation that you have placed in the centre as your current focus and quest.
The benefits of using cards in personal and professional spaces, individually, with groups or in team work, are immediately obvious. They take you out of your mind and into your heart with ease, usually in a very playful way. They have the power to bring people together or to stimulate conversations around similar and different interpretation when the whole group is invited to share the meaning of the cards they have drawn.
For those of you who like to explore and discover more meaning and information when using the cards as daily guidance, a guidebook is provided. The layouts suggested in the guidebook will teach you how to stretch your imagination and become more familiar with how you can use the cards. However, there are no right or wrong ways to lay out or interpret the cards.
About Co-Creation
This is a time when we are truly beginning to awaken to a deeper and more meaningful understanding of the language of Creation. As we realise that our thoughts will often create our reality, we learn to be more mindful of our thoughts. We start to realise that we are co-creators of our experiences. We do well to tune in and listen to our inner guidance, to be clear in our intentions and our invitations to the the Universe.
The Daily Co-Creation cards allow you to be a more conscious partner in the co-creation of your reality.
About The Four Feathers
Each feather is associated to a particular part of the Whole-Self: Spirit, Body, Heart and Mind. These aspects, and their association to the words, are described in more detail at the beginning of each section within the guidebook. This allows you to use the cards in a variety of ways, and makes sure all parts of Whole-Self are considered when you are looking at becoming a more conscious creator and co-creator of your life.
Wedge-Tailed Eagle
The majestic Wedge-tailed Eagle and its feather was chosen to represent the aspect and direction of Whole-Self known as Spirit. This is your essence, that which brings you into self-confidence and light.
Your spirit is your sense of self and how others view and know you, that is, your personality and the energy that you vibrate out to the world. When your Spirit is filled with light, you feel liberated and purposeful, ready to freely pursue your dreams and make your difference in the world. The element that supports your spirit to be strong and passionate is Fire.
The Eagle can be called into your inner thoughts and imagination to carry you to greater heights and guide you into spiritual realms to gain wisdom and insight on your journey. You can invite Eagle to bestow blessings upon you and spirit medicine to strengthen you on your path, assisting you to rise above your experiences and make discerning moves that will take you closer to your visions and dreams.
The twenty-two cards dedicated to your spiritual realm are designed to assist you to celebrate every aspect of your journey with love and gratitude, and to live, love and lead in a spirited way.
Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo
The gracious Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo and its beautiful feather has been chosen to represent the direction of the physical world that we experience and express through the physical Body. This is the world of your health and wealth, a place of beauty and bounty, particularly in nature. You step up and out here to co-create abundantly all that you need to be comfortable in life, both in body and within the environments you live and work in. The element supporting the physical aspect of creation is Earth, with its generous capacity to supply everything that is needed to survive and thrive.
Cockatoo has been chosen to illuminate and articulate what is most important for you to create beauty and bounty around you, and to assist you to take the necessary action to achieve your desired outcomes. Because of its massive spirit and presence, the energies of this bird fuel you with the drive and inspiration that you need to pursue your goals into fruition.
When you energetically embody the cockatoo, you can feel its majestic power and its capacity to manifest what it needs. Similarly, when you energetically embody your dreams, through taking time to visualise and step into them, you have the opportunity to feel and articulate what you will experience when they have come into fruition. Your heightened awareness allows you to more clearly set out the action steps you need to take. This is a place of setting and carrying out daily tasks that will take you closer, one day at a time, toward the life you desire and deserve.
The cards that represent the Heart are guided by the wisdom and spirit medicine of the Brahminy-kite, with its feather and cards representing your emotional experiences. The element guiding this aspect is Water
This beautiful feather metaphorically teaches that we all need company on our journey, and reminds you that while you often feel like you are walking alone, there is another world beyond this one where spiritual teachers can be invited to walk with you and guide you on your journey. It is also a reminder to ask for what you need for your heart to feel full, to feel happy and loved, and that the Universe will find a way to place what you have asked for on your path. Like the Brahminy-kite, you need to have sharp eyes to see the opportunities as they arise, and a courageous heart to follow through on them.
The cards that guide you in this direction are chosen to connect you with the energies of the True-Heart, and the powerful and loving spirit of the Brahminy-kite.
The feather and bird chosen to assist you with this aspect of the Mind within the Whole-Self is the Crow. The element that supports the process here is Air.
Crow-spirit medicine reminds you to be present and mindful with your thoughts and how you communicate verbally, and non-verbally, to yourself and others. It also reminds you to say what you mean and mean what you say. Crow teaches you self-responsibility and accountability, calling you to develop a manifesto of laws and agreements with yourself to keep you on track, and strong in mind, body, heart and spirit. He inspires a daily practice of self- care that supports your personal, professional and spiritual growth.
Your Daily Co-Creation Cards can be a great place to begin the journey of having a clear mind and practicing conscious communication.

When And How To Use The Cards:
These cards can be used in all settings - private and professional. They are a beautiful addition for your coffee table, or can be carried around with you - a simple reminder that you are supported at all times on your journey - you only have to form an intention and choose a card. Here are some examples of easy layout. There are a number of layouts outlined in the Comprehensive Guide Book that comes with the cards.
Two Card Layout
Think about your day and ask the Universe to bring to light what you will do well to focus on on this day? Shuffle the cards or choose one from a dish of cards. Reflect on the word and affirmation. Notice which feather you have choses - and ready which part of Whole Self it is referring to - this will give you little more information around where you can focus your attention.
Draw a second card from the bottom of the pack - this is your 'gift' from your world within - "Spirit Wisdom"; this is a reminder of your innate wisdom - and you now have greater access to this wisdom to support the first cards which represents your Quest.
Four Card Layout
Shuffle the cards, connect with your Higher Wisdom, and focus your attention on your question. Draw out three cards, noting the order you draw them. Layout the cards face down as your draw them. Turn up the first card - this relates directly to the challenge you are facing. Turn over the second card. This is what you are guided to give attention to in order to create change. Turn her the third card. This is the outcome, if you follow the second step. Now, turn over the pack and look at the bottom card and add it to the layout. This is your Higher Wisdom - Spirit- gifting you a quality or further insight to assist you achieve what you are hoping to achieve.

A Spirited Story
"I had an opportunity yesterday to introduce my circle to your daily co-creation cards at a workshop we participated in together. Everyone loved them - their simplicity, accessibility, high integrity and excellent manufacturing quality.
We used them in the way you do with your mandala creation, and they were a great tool in our intention setting - as you already know."
Ali Babs. Energy Healing Practitioner, Singer, Songwriter.

A Spirited Story
"I absolutely love your co-creation cards. They are always so precise in their messaging and confirm what is going on for me and or my clients to the word.
I also love asking for a message from the cards for my mind, body, heart and soul. It’s such a wonderful exercise in which I address each layer.
Thank you so much for creating such a powerful tool to work with.
With love and gratitude.
Etty Ayalon. Shamanic Path and Practice Practitioner.
The Backstory
Heather and Gail would create ceremony each time they met and state their intention for the cards. Their rituals helped them stay focused and allowed guidance to flow through.
The cards took Gail and Heather on a huge journey because both struggle with dyslexia - to different degrees. They are both Creatives - and so had to really dig deep to be able to create the structure needed in order to complete the project.
They eventually learned to simply take one step at a time, and not to get hooked on the deadlines they set. They took time to celebrate each step and to have fun in between work - though not as much fun as they would have liked. They soon moved through any blocks and found themselves able to eventually joyfully cross the finishing line together. Some of the photos here show Gail photographing Heather in ceremony.
This project has been a co-creation from the beginning to end. There has been a strong realisation that we are responsible for creating our own lives and there is a real need to look at what is not working, and to bring this to the light. To create an invitation to the Universe, or anyone you may be in partnership with, and work through challenges together.
The cards took close to three years to create. Heather Price is the author, and Gail Grey is the artist and designer. Heather and Gail have been friends since early secondary school. Heather travelled every three months from Sydney to Gail's home in the Byron Shire, about 10 hours drive away, to co-create the cards. She stopped at the beautiful Clarence River each time, and took time to connect with the Grandmothers and Ancestors who were guiding the project.
Heather and Gail would create ceremony each time they met and state their intention for the cards. Their rituals helped them stay focused and allowed guidance to flow through.
The cards took Gail and Heather on a huge journey because both struggle with dyslexia - to different degrees. They are both Creatives - and so had to really dig deep to be able to create the structure needed in order to complete the project.
They eventually learned to simply take one step at a time, and not to get hooked on the deadlines they set. They took time to celebrate each step and to have fun in between work - though not as much fun as they would have liked. They soon moved through any blocks and found themselves able to eventually joyfully cross the finishing line together. Some of the photos here show Gail photographing Heather in ceremony.
This project has been a co-creation from the beginning to end. There has been a strong realisation that we are responsible for creating our own lives and there is a real need to look at what is not working, and to bring this to the light. To create an invitation to the Universe, or anyone you may be in partnership with, and work through challenges together.
Gail Grey is an accomplished artist and photographer. She has been happily and successfully practicing in this arena for forty years. Gail's love for nature shines though in many of her works. She has an eye for capturing the essence of landscapes, and is naturally in tune with the birdlife surrounding her rural property.
Gail has great skills in design and this shines through in the layouts she has mastered in the Daily Co-Creation Cards. It is not uncommon for people to ask if the feathers have been painted. They are actually photographs, and are taken in such a way that each one is a beautiful artwork.
We are truly grateful for the contribution of Maree Kordonsky an Lellie Brown for their mastery in editing. Both highly skilled women, Maree and Lellie worked each in their own way to ensure the high standard of the written material and design. We are forever grateful for your assistance. Thank you.
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