Heather Price Presents
Shamanic Wisdom
in Personal and Professional Spaces
CLICK HERE FOR CURRENT WORKSHOPSWelcome to our online community.
We are delighted to have you visit and walk with us.
Life can happen to you or because of you.
Our courses, workshops, mentoring and healing services and products are designed to help you have clear vision in order to more confidently participate in the creation of a joyful, loving and spirited life.
They will equip you with effective tools and processes drawn from ancient, creative practices for personal and professional transformation. These resources will assist you to navigate your way forward more ease-fully, and to live, love and lead with greater awareness and skill.
This is the path of the Co-Creator.
How to work with me

Courses and Training
Expand your capacity as a Master CoCreator, Visionary and Influencer while you further develop your awareness of who you are, and why you are here. Highlights: Mastering Co-creation One and Two; A Shamanic Path (ASP) Mentoring and Shamanic Path and Practice (SPP) Practitioner Apprentice Training.

Corporate Consultancy
Information on transformative workshops and individual mentoring sessions within small business and corporate spaces is found here. These offerings stimulate personal and professional discovery, creativity, connection, clear vision planning, and precise navigation of the way forward.

Current Workshops, Gatherings and Personal Vision-Mentoring
Professional and Personal Development. Click here to see current workshops, small group and community events and circles to expand consciousness and develop transformative resources. From Shamanic and Crystal Wisdom Training, VisionBoards and Manifesto Creation, FB Live Shamanic Journeys and Sacred Drum circles, to Mandala Creation and everything in between.

Products and Services
Our well designed products and mentoring/healing services include personal Shamanic Mentoring and Healing sessions, EBooks for raising consciousness, guiding and visioning, Daily Co-creation Cards, and Shamanic Wisdom Walks in Nature, and More.
Expressions of Gratitude
Keep scrolling to find Shamanic Path and Practice Feedback
followed by three free offerings for you
to thank you for stopping by.

The 8 Ways Summary
A Free Overview and Download
An Overview of Shamanic Guidelines for Walking Consciously and Confidently in Your True Nature.

A Shamanic Greeting
A Free Offering
Guided by the Sacred Circle Map of Consciousness

Full and New Moon Co-Creation Mandala
A Free Offering
Find your Weekly Mandala Guidance here to assist you live, love and lead in a spirited way.
With acknowledgement and respect for those who originally walked this country, once and still made of of hundreds of clans and tribes, now called Australia and the Torres Strait Islands, and to custodians, elders past, present, and emerging, and for my many teachers. To my ceremony sisters and brothers, thank you for walking with me and sharing your wisdom and love for this country and all peoples and beings of earth, water, fire and air. To the Old People returning, thank you for showing us the way home.
Thank you for stopping by here and we hope to hear from you soon!