About Me - Heather Price
Much of the first thirty six years of my life was filled with uncertainty, stress and anxiety, governed by an inner voice that I came to know as my Wounded-Heart.
There came a turning point where I decided to take control of my life and heal my body from the inside out, studying Reiki, Social Science and Counselling. These studies also supported my interest and passion (inherited from my father and mother) for helping others in my community.Â
During this time of restoration and retrieval of the original blueprint I was born with which i refer to as my True-Heart Self, I developed a strong connection with my Inner World, where I discovered wise guides who were there to comfort and show me new ways to walk my path.
Over an intense period of five years of initiation, in what I later came to understand was the Shamanic Way, my Inner World teacher-guide taught me how to observe the natural cycles around me, and to map these across to the human experience. I was shown how energy moved in worlds within, above and below - beyond the visible world.
As my teacher-guide taught me how to see signs in Nature and my surrounding environment, I became more skilled in discerning and listening to whispers in unseen worlds, and interpreting signs around me by using the Sacred Circle Map of Consciousness, as I later called it, to guide me.Â
At this time, shamanic teachers from the visible World Without began to show up, and they helped me understand, and further define, my transpersonal experience.Â
In 2004, after five years of training this way, I began to share and teach what I knew with clients who were grateful for their rapid progress and healing and were eager to become students.
In the visible world I was keeping just as active, guiding three growing sons into manhood, studying social science, and working with youth in the area of behavioural management as a counselling case-manager in outreach programs with Education Queensland and associated organisations.
For twenty years, I have loved practicing, and later teaching, these powerful techniques to help others find inner peace, and to expand their awareness of the unseen worlds surrounding and supporting them.Â
For some time now, I have seen myself as a bridge between worlds, assisting others to safely and skilfully navigate their way in seen and unseen worlds found within what I have termed The Sacred Circle Map of Consciousness. I enjoy teaching them how to listen deeply, see clearly, think cleanly, and become confident and conscious co-creators of their life, above, below and around them.
There is no doubt that life experience has contributed a great deal of wisdom to my practice as a shamanic energy healing practitioner and teacher. My more personal journey as daughter, sister, granddaughter, rural and urban woman, artist, partner, mother, aunt, grandmother, trusted friend, ceremony woman and 'sistar' have all largely contributed to who I am today.Â
There is little separation between work and play, for I dearly love what I have to offer the world, living to serve and shine my truth, the Shamanic Way.Â
More About Heather Price And Her Offerings
B.Soc.Sci. (Couns.), Member IICT
Shamanic Path and Practice Practitioner, Mentor and Trainer, Corporate Wellbeing & Visioning Consultant, Clinical Counsellor, Ceremonial Holder, Presenter/Speaker, Community Service Provider, & Published Author.
Heather offers counselling and mentoring for personal and professional development, training individuals as practitioners and path-walkers in shamanic path and practice. She is a wellbeing and visioning consultant for clients in business and corporate arenas, and is an experienced workshop facilitator and presenter. Her greatest passions are writing and holding sacred circles and ceremony for community, especially in nature.
Heather offers guidance for people from all walks of life, and is passionate about supporting a number of women’s circles and community in general where ever she lives, including as a member and facilitator in the Womenspace community, and as ceremony woman and facilitator for Being Woman community from 2009-2019.  Heather has supported Womens Wellbeing in a variety of ways for a number of years, and has facilitated previously at Everywoman. She is Visionary and Co-Founder of VisionKeepers, a leadership group, along the East Coast of Australia. She is an active member and has been a facilitator for the Unity and Radiance Dance Communities, Sydney.
Heather aspires to inspire people into spirited living, loving and leading, stepping into their True- Heart Nature, holding respect for their environment, their ancestors, future generations, community, and the earth.
Heather supports people to have clear dreams and goals, and a strong, daily holistic practice of self-care and self-leadership. She is passionate about supporting women’s issues and co-ordinated an installation “Hung Out to Dry” to bring attention to the homelessness crisis at present for women in Maleny, and nationally, on International Women’s Day 2021.
To assist her service and offerings, she teaches The 8 Ways, Shamanic Guidelines for Walking Consciously and Confidently in the World. The principles of these guidelines have been woven into the Daily Co-Creation Cards that Heather has designed to specifically to support her work. She has co-authored a number of books invested in supporting and educating readers into walking consciously and confidently on their path. Heather has been a guest speaker on a variety of podcasts over the years, including Angel Heart Radio, The Difference Blog-Talk Radio, Passion Harvest, Rosita and Pepa, and A Higher Branch. She presented at the P2.0 Sydney conference in 2018 and is a global ambassador for Parenting 2.0. Heather has been a regular guest presenter at Woodford Folk Festival since 2013.
Heart Mandala Installation
This Heart Mandala was an offering by Heather to hold the energy of Lovefest in Byron Bay in 2023. It was installed as a sacred place with a heart shaped blessing/well for participants to sit and write about and cast a stone into the well to hold their dreaming. Â
About Shamanism
Living, Loving and Leading ~ The Shamanic Way
Shamanism is thought to be one of the oldest healing practice surviving today, with cave art displaying records of this way 30,000 years ago.
The word 'shaman' is believed to have come from the word 'saman', found in the language spoken by the Manchu-Tungus Tribe in Siberia, northern Asia.
Shamanism has become a generic term across many cultures, particularly in the West, to describe spiritual healers and diviners who are seen as wise men and women bridging the worlds of the seen and unseen. Examples of where you might find other terms to describe shamans are sangoma in South Africa, kahuna in Hawaii, and may be likened to priestesses and Druids in Celitc shamanism.Â
The most simple explanation for this ancient healing way is to describe it as where Spirit meets Nature, where everything animate and inanimate in Creation is seen as having a living spirit that is able to travel beyond the physical into multiple dimensions of consciousness. Connecting with and serving community is a common feature of the shamanic way.
Scholars may refer to contemporary shamanistic practices and ways as Neo-shamanism, or new-shamanism. There has been a strong movement of returning to this ancient healing practice which has been forced underground for hundreds of years during times of suppression by churches and political leaders.Â
There is no single set of principles for shamanic walkers and practitioners. However, each person who takes this journey may create their own principles from their personal or cultural lore.Â
The Sacred Circle Map of Consciousness (SCMC) guides the Shamanic Path and Practice (SPP) teachings. This map presents eight worlds to navigate your way through life. The Worlds: Within, Below, Above and Without. The Worlds in the East (Spirit), North (Body), West (Heart) and South (Mind).
There are a number of ways to weave the Shamanic Way into your life: as a Shamanic Healing Practitioner, as a Shamanic Walker, as a Shamanic Teacher, or as a Shaman. The latter term, out of respect, is reserved for those initiated into shamanism in traditional ways within past and existing Original cultures.Â
In Shamanic Path and Practice (SPP), we turn to The 8 Ways to walk more confidently and consciously on our journey. These principles were whispered to me, Heather, in 2011, two years after I visited Hawaii and began to hear wisdom whispered from an Inner World guide I came to know as Master Po. Master Po spoke to me in Hawaiian language for two years, before giving me the The 8 Ways in both English and Hawaiian. This was a great gift to me, and I have tremendous respect for the Hawaiian peoples and their language. There is no claim to The 8 Ways as in any way being seen as traditional Hawaiian principles.Â
These Ways summarise the work and way that I teach very well. The original principles given to me contained only a few Hawaiian and English words, and I have expanded slightly on them over the years as I began to explore and embrace them. I have written a Workbook to assist you to study and practice them.
There is also a summary of The 8 Ways available for free below.
DOWNLOAD THE 8 WAYSWisdom Trail - Heather’s HistoryÂ
Read Heather’s personal investment in her professional development as a trainer.
With acknowledgement and respect for those who originally walked this country, and to current the custodians, elders past, present, and emerging, and my many teachers. To my ceremony sisters and brothers, thank you for walking with me and sharing your wisdom and love for this country and all peoples and beings of earth, water, fire and air. To the Old People returning, thank you for showing us the way home. ​​
Thank you for stopping by here and we hope to hear from you soon!