Vibrational Energy and Crystal Wisdom Training
Mastering Vibrational Energy in the Mountains!
Detecting, Transforming, Generating and Activating Vibrational Energy in Body, Mind, Heart and Spirit, with Sacred Earth Wisdom as your guide.
You are invited to a magical day of Professional, Personal and Spiritual Development with Dr Cornelius Van Dorp and Heather Price.
We meet at Mt Tibrogargen,on Gubbi Gubbi / Kabi Kabi Country, Glasshouse Mountains, north of Brisbane, then re-locate five minutes away in the nearby Village of Beerburrum.
On August 3, Saturday, 2024.
Arrive 9am for 9.15am start until approximately 5pm, with time for lunch catered for in the program. There is cafe in Beerburrum with an inclusive and expansive menus, or you are welcome to bring your own.
We invite you to join us on a day out to the Glasshouse Mountains. These mountains hold powerful energies and are known by our original peoples of these lands to be connected to the Seven Sisters in the Cosmic Realms. Heather has been taking those who walk with her to Mount Tibrogargan for sacred walks since 2005 and had been visiting this mountain for her own healing for some time before then. She has had the call to do this from Father Tibrogargan and has the blessings of local elders of these mountains on Kabi and Jinibara countries to do this sacred work.
Mount Beerburrum is close by and we will be travelling to the village at its base to continue our teachings indoors for the afternoon in a warm, comfortable, healing space designed within a powerful Tree of Life Grid that you will help to Co-create using ancient wisdom and creative energy enhancing technologies learned and developed by Dr Corn on his numerous sacred missions around the world.
You can learn more below about the background of Heather and Dr Corn in their bios and discover the backstory that brought them together, enabling them to now take our their combined wonderful and inspiring offerings to the world.
There will be a maximum of twelve spaces available for this transformative offering so please be sure to claim your place as soon as you can.
In this training, we are introducing you to ways to master how your energy flows to assist you to live, love and lead in spirited ways as a healthy, empowered Being of Light. We will:
Guide you with tools and sacred ways to connect with Mother Nature and the Nature Spirits around you when walking on Country.
Take you into Nature to learn how to sharpen your awareness of signs and symbols in Nature and deepen your intuition and your capacity to listen to your inner ear and voice, communicating more confidently with the spirits and elemental beings around you.
Learn about harmful electro-magnetic energies and geopathic stress within your environment, and deepen your understanding an skill in managing disease causing and pathological conditions.
Assist you to discover and create energy lines and portals so as to work in flow with Nature and your Whole Self in more intuitive ways.
Teach you how to travel through your body and track energy that is out of flow and needing assistance to be re-vitalised.
The benefits from knowing more about Vibrational Energy and how to manage and consciously work with it may be:
A greater understanding of energy and how it flows and how you can redirect and unblock it when it doesn’t.
A sense of self-empowerment and increased sense and experience of co-creation.
Increased knowledge and confidence in managing energy at multiple levels in mind, body, heart and spirit, caused from invasive forces such as EMF’s and surrogacy from contact with other beings – from this and other worlds.
The possibility of living in more joy, feeling more supported and loved on multi-dimensional levels, particularly through a deeper connection with the elements and elementals in Nature.
An increased capacity to raise your energy vibration in multiple ways, including in order to heal on multidimensional levels.
Over all, this workshop is designed to enrich your existing skills and knowledge in utilising vibrational energy medicines and wisdom, enhancing and increasing your confidence in your personal and professional, practices.

We are delighted to offer a magical, unique experience and sound training for energy healing practitioners, trainee practitioners, and those of you who are interested in learning more about crystal technologies and wisdom in ways that enhance energies in the earth and atmosphere.
We will teach you how to connect with Nature in creative ways, using intention and sacred songs that come from your heart that will connect in with pre-existing energy lines in surrounding Nature. We will guide you as to how to dowse for old and new energy lines and measure energy forces using dowsing rods and a pendulum.
This is a day of professional and personal development for those of you who seek to expand your knowledge of creative tools that support you to awaken a more magical consciousness, ensuring transformational healing during these sacred practices.
It is anticipated that you will:
Spend time in Nature to deepen your connection to Country, and your understanding of the natural elements and Elementals who support you.
Learn the art of Dowsing and how to create, transform and enhance energy lines on the land where you live and work. This extends to learning how to create and activate crystal generators.
Learn about the healing medicines of Crystals and learn how to care for them, understand their medicine, communicate with them, increase their healing vibration and capacity to their maximum level in a number of ways to connect deeply with their etheric wisdom as profound healing tools and energy medicine guides.
Deepen your knowledge of the Sacred Circle Map of Consciousness as a powerful tool to assist you to walk more consciously on the earth.
Experience and offer Sacred Dreaming Songs within the group and build loving connections with fellow practitioners of like-heart and mind.
And all else that is brought forward spontaneously, guided by Spirit and the Sacred.
HISTORY - The Earth Star Mission:
These workshops have come about as the result of requests from community members with whom who we have shared news of our recent adventurous and transformative crystal mission to place a seven-pointed Earth Star around and over Brisbane to harmonise chaotic and stressful energies that have saturated our collective fields.
Our Earth Star mission has been, and continues to be, a collaboration between us and Crystal beings, along with other natural elements of Nature, including the Ficus family of beautiful trees that are familiar to so many.
After being urged by those who joined us in the Mother Generator Activation of the Earth Star in January 21 and others who attended other presentations on our mission wanting to learn more about how we go about creating crystal generators from beginning to end, we are now offering you the opportunity to join us in this mission to learn sacred, ancient tools to support you to harmonise and transform the energy fields that you live and work in.
This Earth Star Mission began in September 2023. It has been co-created in order to harmonise and transform harmful energies permeating Brisbane at this time. Eight portals have been activated so far at the base of Fig Trees in seven points in seven suburbs of greater Brisbane, each about 35 kilometres apart, with one, the eight point, in the centre. The eighth generator that is centred and connected with the previous seven points of the earth star has been activated with the help of 22 community members on January 21 this year (2024).
Recently it came to our attention that we have not only established an Earth Star, we have created, and are still creating, a replica of the map of the Qabalah (Kabbalah) Tree of Life.
When viewed from above, the now Ten- Pointed Earth Star becomes a map very similar to the Kabalistic Tree of Life with ten spheres containing wisdom to create and sustain a healthy and happy life – and universe.
You can see this map, with the additions of the Earth Star Generator Points, in a diagram on this page. This awareness of our map being so similar to the Tree of Life came about at the end of a 13 day Tree of Life Quest that I undertook with an original women, teacher and caretaker of these lands, Aunty Babanginy, also known as Michelle (Lewis) Slater. I will tell you more about this mission with Aunty Babanginy at another time.
The complexities and synchronicities of our Earth Star Mission continue to grow. A few weeks ago, soon after discovering the link with the our Earth Star and the map of The Tree of Life, one of my advanced Shamanic Path and Practice graduates, Ettinka, contacted me to say she had been highly motivated by our Earth Star mission and felt called to establish a crystal generator in Israel to connect with our Earth Star and its mission of generating Infinite Love, Light, Wisdom and Peace. We set up time for me to guide Ettinka through what she would need to do in order to prepare for and carry out her own amazing, and somewhat risky, mission – being in a war zone. Several weeks after Ettinka first called me and we made a plan together, I heard from her by a text from Israel to tell me her mission has been accomplished. She sent me a description and photos of her incredible Generator Activation that she had facilitated within a grove of pine trees native to the land. You can read more about this below.
If you would like to view our resentation of our Earth Star Mission at the Brisbane Theosophical Society here is a link:
Dr Corn and Heather have been co-creating crystal energy generators for some time across greater Brisbane to assist the transformation of toxic energies that have infiltrated the atmosphere, on physical and psychic levels. They have been actively participating in their own, and co-created, crystal missions for many years.
More About Dr Cornelius Van Dorp:
Early in my first medical post I worked for 6 years on Greenpeace expeditions as ship's doctor as well as overwintering in Antarctica as base doctor, during which I spent time in the American South West and Mexico, exploring shamanism, indigenous culture and crystal technology in healing. These adventures opened me up to profound experiences of personal and global synchronicities that continue today.
Later, out of these years of travel and experiences, came a series of fourteen books related to my adventures, including many with crystal technology and healing. During that time ,I was privileged to meet and work with renowned crystal master Marcel Vogel and learn first hand how to work with Vogel Crystal Wands for healing and activation.
During those years of adventure, I discovered many alternative methods of healing, such as vibrational medicine, plant medicine, and several application of crystal healing from Cherokee and Hopi crystal shamanism to Harry Oldfield's Electro-crystal technology and PIP Aura photography.
Then, after returning to many years of raising a family and running a general practice, I was delighted to recently begin working with Heather Price, Crystal Healer and Shamanic master teacher, on a new Crystal Earth Star Mission . Our intention was to harmonise the chaotic and harmful 5G EMF fields in and around Brisbane City and hopefully influencing and transforming destructive energies caused by current and ancestral conflict worldwide, by lighting up a 7-pointed Earth Star over the City and its environs, linked into the ancient song lines of old Gondwanaland. This crystal mission with Heather is an ongoing and deepening process, surprising us with the most incredible synchronicity, and opening us to power of connection with elements and elementals, and further use of crystal technology. It has led to deepening research on mastering energy to live a vigorous, happy and healthy life, overcoming with several different methods the disease-causing influences we have all been exposed to in recent years on this earth. See for information on Dr Corn's books.
More About Heather Price:
I am Daughter of the Earth and Sun, Granddaughter of the Moon, and sister of Wind. Eagle guides me as I walk with Bulls and run with Wolves.
My Ancestors come from the Celts in Ireland, the Picts of Scotland and from England and, way back, from Scandinavia.
Guided by my Star-Being Family and energy medicine guides, I journey between worlds with those who seek me out for healing and guidance.
My vision is to assist those who walk with me to live, love and lead in sacred and spirited ways.
As a practicing professional artist for twenty years I have great respect for the beauty in and power of Nature and the creative possibilities within human kind. I encourage those who walk with me to see the beauty and bounty within themselves, and the country that they reside on.
Advanced studies in communication, social science and counselling have greatly supported my practice, particularly my love of researching, facilitating and inspiring the infinite possibilities in nature-based healing fields.
I am the founding (1997) practitioner of an energy healing and counselling practice, and trainer of Shamanic Path and Practice (since 2004), a school teaching sacred energy medicines and wisdom. Recently, in 2022, I joined with ceremony woman and founder of Ceremonial Embodiment, Stephanie Lister, to offer training to support deepening in professional and personal energy medicine practices, called Energy Medicine Deepening (EMD). Even more recently, in 2023, I am delighted to be walk personally and professionally with remarkable medical doctor and crystal and plant energy medicine practitioner, and co-creator and trainer of this workshop, Dr Cornelius Van Dorp.
Studies over three years with a Native American Shaman, Medicine Crow, have assisted me in validating, placing and expanding my existing training by my wise inner guides. Conversations with and informal learning from a Zulu Shaman, Credo Muttwa, principally around celestial encounters in a visit to South Africa in 2007, helped me connect more deeply with my Cosmic guides and family. Online studies with Jane Burns in Celtic Shamanism inspired and expanded my connection with my Celtic Roots.
I have been Ceremony woman, facilitator and presenter at countless events for a number of conscious communities since 2009, alongside local ceremony sisters who are original women of these lands, and have been a many-time-presenter at Woodford Folk Festival. These experiences, alongside of my own offerings and trainings, have enabled me to connect with and inspire thousands of awakened beings of light, for which I am truly grateful.
As Visionary for and Co-founder of The VisionKeepers leadership community along the Eastern coastline of Australia and in three countries overseas, I feel inspired by and supported by many of the most creative, conscious light-leaders in the world.
While this course is not accredited, you will be offered the opportunity to apply for a certificate of attendance which may be helpful as evidence in your training with us in ancient earth medicine technologies at some time.
- All you will need to be comfortable for some teachings outdoors A backpack is a good idea.
- A drum or rattle and/or sound bowl if you have one; or other musical instruments that you might use for healing or sacred singing.
- Offerings for Mother Earth and the Elementals. Flowers and herbs you have grown from your garden if you have any. Alternatively perhaps bake something. Or prepare a song or prayer.
- Any sacred healing tools and objects that call you, including crystals, stones or natural objects to create a sacred altar - leg An altar Cloth- Candle - Feather - Crystals - Essences.
- Notebook and pens.
- Anything to make you comfortable - warm clothing, walking shoes, backpack to carry things on your walk, yoga mat or blanket to lie on for meditation, cushion, throw etc.
- Please bring everything on the list to ensure you have your own tools to turn to.
- You might like to bring cash or card for anything that we may have for sale like Heather’s Daily Co-creation Cards and Crystals.
- Your own food for the day - there will be a kitchen available to make tea in the afternoon. There is also a cafe in the village and you we will send a menu for you to pre-order or to know what you want to order ahead.
To safeguard everyone's health, please contact organisers and do not attend the workshop if you have any signs of a cold or flu.
See the booking boxes for details.
PLEASE NOTE: Anyone who is finding it a stretch to contribute please feel free to choose the Student and Concession option (earlybird is 14.07.24 after which this price changes). If this is still out of reach, please send an EMAIL and we can work out something. If you have studied Masstering Vibrational Energy programs with Dr Corn and Heather in the past 3 months you can also take this option. Thankyou.
If you have to cancel because of illness please discuss your situation with Heather to negotiate a refund. Thank you.
Full refunds will not be offered les than two weeks ahead of the training commencing.
Payment plans may be possible - please enquire.
Our contact details are included in the email that we send in response to your booking. Please be sure to subscribe when you book in if you haven't already, to make it easy to keep in touch. You can also send a message of enquiry at the bottom of this page. Thank you.

"I had the honour of attending the Earth Start Activation circle with Heather Price and Dr Corn in January 2024. WOW! The synergy and syn'corn'icity of these two magnificent portals coming together for such profound service was awe inspiring. The potency of their genuine passion and commitment to being the way showers for a new earth and a new way dreaming is inspiring and remarkable. If you are committed to being the change this planet so desperately needs, I highly recommend participating in their events".
Josie Thomson - Resilience, Mindset & NeuroLeadership Expert; International Speaker
Multi Award Winning Coach (MCC); Quantum Consciousness, Mindfulness and MBSR Facilitator
Published Author & 2 Time Cancer Survivor
From previous trainees in Energy Medicine Deepening (EMD) and Shamanic Path and Practitioner (SPP) training by Heather:
"Oh my, I am a new woman. Thankyou. I feel so alive and empowered and at peace with myself. I am home again" (K. Trainee EMD 2021)."
"I use everything we covered (at the workshop) daily as I am building toward re-discovering my life path (M, Trainee EMD 2021)."
" I started my Shamanic Practitioner Training a few months ago, and it has been one of the BEST things I've done in my life. I'm now doing level 2 of the Shamanic Practitioner Training and it has been absolutely amazing so far. Through my work with Heather, I have not only learned so much about myself but also learned about the positive and powerful ways we can walk in the world. I feel Heather's approach enhances our own skills and helps us walk confidently and powerfully in the world. As a Teacher, she is very patient, honest, kind, warm, down to earth, loving and confident. She walks in the world in a very empowered yet graceful way. She has inspired me to speak my truth and honour my true self. I feel Heather Price is a living example of someone who walks boldly in this world, practicing what she teaches and loving herself and others in a very remarkable and amazing way. Heather has blessed my life tremendously and I pray that she will also bless your life with her light, helping and guiding you to see the beauty that lies within.
Maricris Dela Cruz- graduate student of SPP 2013 – 2015."
"A good teacher knows the requirements and limitations of the student and tailors the teachings to suit, with a deep desire to support the success of her student. A great teacher sees beyond requirements and limitations, to exponential potential. She "raises the bar" on what she expects of herself as teacher, in order to inspire in the student, the desire to exceed beyond their own imagined achievement. Heather Price is this great teacher.
My experience of Heather Price as a teacher, facilitator, practitioner and guide is that "if I can imagine it, I can do it - and surpass it."
Ali Hughes, graduate student of SPP, Sydney, 2014.
Tree of Life
We discovered that not only have we co-created a powerful Earth Star, we have mapped out the Qabalist (Kabbalistic) Tree of Life from the earliest of times over the vast landscape where we carried out our mission! This Tree of Life has recently been connected with a Crystal Generator in a Pine Grove in a national park at Mount Gahar by our dear friend and fellow Crystal Wisdom Ceremonialist Ettinka. Two days after Ettinka's activation, it was announced on national tv in Israel that the national park on this mountain has re-opened after being closed for 4 years! These missions are clearly powerful!
Dr Corn and I have experienced other synchronicities since co-creating this Earth Star Tree of Life which we will share with you when we meet.
Earth Star Blessings on your Journey.
Heather and Dr Corn 💖 💖

A Story of Energy Medicine and Spontaneous Healing
In 2007 I had an emergency operation after arriving from South Africa and was taken by ambulance to North West hospital. It was earlier in this same year in South Africa that I went on an educational pilgrimage in indigenous healing methodologies in with a dear friend of mine and a powerful healing practitioner and Reiki Master, Susan Davison. We were on this journey with a group of fellow pilgrims interested in the shamanic way, and immediately Susan and I felt our mission was to help heal the land as it had suffered so much loss of life. On our first night in Johannesburg prayed late into the night for the mothers of those lost their children to war and created many prayer ceremonies wherever we went.
Unfortunately I had a bad fall, while travelling with the group to Kenya few days later, when I was pushed by an over eager salesman onto my back onto a slab of cement. This accident resulted eventually in a bowel obstruction from the inflammation and too-tight bandages. After arriving home to Australia I was immediately put into hospital for surgery to release the obstruction and on the third day after my operation I had deteriorated so much my doctor later told me she expected me to pass from this life. I had had the same message from my own inner guidance, and had organised for my personal assistant, Maree, to contact my solicitor to prepare papers for my sons.
Word of my situation spread fairly quickly and a dear friend, Bec, visited me, bringing a protea with her. Proteas originate in South Africa (LINK). Beck laid the beautiful Protea over my heart and told me she had had an intuitive knowing and inner guidance to take it to me and to tell me that it wasn’t my time to go. Immediately, on feeling the energy vibration of the protea on my heart, I felt what I would describe as a healing light ( the light of the Holy Spirit if you wish) enter my body and began to breathe deeply again and recovered rapidly soon after.
Many years later a dear friend, the doctor who had been looking after me for many years and who had taken care of my recovery in 2007, became very ill and I was saying payers each evening for her as well as painting an art mandala of healing for her. Each painting I did carried a pattern and was a container of energy that she needed for her specific sate each time I tuned in. On a Friday night I tuned my friend’s subtle energy field however unlike all the other times I couldn’t see a vision to paint at first. I sat quietly and prayed for Kath, reading the prayer I had written for everyone over and over again. I prayed to be given and image that would restore her life force energy for I felt it was depleting. Slowly I began to see what I thought at first was a Lotus Flower. Then I realised it was a Protea. I then saw it in three dimensions. It was pulsating, and I imagined it adding new life to my dear friend as I watched its pattern and felt its vibrational energy.
Three days after I gave my friend this healing I went to visit her and could see when was doing well. I also learned that at about the time I had created the protea healing mandala she had not been at all well and picked up soon afterwards. Perhaps there was a link? The phone rang while I was there and a mutual friend, Jo, started talking to us both. She shared that she was standing in front of a shrub with beautiful pink Proteas growing on it and later sent me photos. The Protea in the photo matched how the protea that was given to me looked all those years ago!
I had kept the protea that Bec gave me 17 years ago within easy reach as a reminder of my being divinely held and spontaneously healed through love of family and friends and their kind prayers.
After this amazing synchronicity and seeing the photos my friend sent me, I fetched the original Protea from all those years ago and washed off its dust and took a picture of it. I will post these image for your to see.
We have no idea what our prayers and their patterns are creating – and co-creating when we pray in groups – however from this experience I am more certain than ever that we are communicating with the Universe in symbols and patterns of vibration energy. Those of us who walk as light weavers learn how to master energy so as to assist in the awakening of a more conscious and golden world for us all to enjoy and co-create in – a New Earth with a New Way Walking.
(The photo below shows the original protea, now dried, on the left that my friend Bec put on my heart to help me heal when I was very near passing from this world. The next image is of how the South Africa protea typically looks in full bloom. The photo at right is of an artwork that i dedicated to a friend's healing. I have had wonderful feelings of healing from going to my Inner World and placing myself in the centre of the protea from time to time. I now use the protea as a major healing symbol.)