Energy-Essence Making Workshops





Create a Power-Generator and use this to Regenerate the Powerful Essence of Lion's Gate Energy Medicine


A beautiful gathering and teaching circle Online by Zoom


08.08.2021, at 7.30am - 9.30am AEST


Join me in an online teaching circle to learn how to create and use a Crystal Energy Generator to capture and store the energy gifted from other worlds during this significant time when the Lion's Gate in the Eastern Sky aligns and fully opens with the magnificent lightcodes generated from the alignment of Sirius (the brightest star in the sky), the New Moon and the Sun - all in the zodiac sign of Leo.

This alignment is strongly supported by other planetary alignments as this energy pours down, beneath a huge arch of light, into the Heart of Mother Earth, from the Worlds Above, Around and Below.  I have been tracking, with my stargazer app, this light in the early mornings leading up to this event and can see how geometric shapes and grids of light energy are being formed as the planets line up to share and charge their light with each other.

You will be guided to make an essence out of air, ether and water that will be charged by the Lion's Gate energies. These energies will absorbed into both the crystal generator(s) and water, and can be used to recharge and (Re)generate core energies within your individual and collective fields.  You will be able to use this energy when captured as a Generator - to generate new energies (if there is any such thing as new energies)  - power up,  and activate Lion Medicine. Lion inspires us to walk in self-leadership and leadership, with confidence, strongly, intuitively, courageously, and mindfully.

This powerful alignment in time and space also supports the (Re)Generation of healing, bounty, and beauty, truth, wisdom, and sacred warrior energy - in fact anything we/you invite in. Once captured in the water and crystal(s), we can use these for further activations and ceremonies, to assist in the healing of ourselves, our communities, all creatures and spirit beings here on earth, and the planet – our beloved Mother Earth. This type of activity has been typical of shamans, medicine men and women, and priests and priestesses since the beginning of time. They knew, and know, that the World Above is an extension of our Visible World and that our Cosmic Families are watching over us and sending assistance to us during this, and other, challenging times – in fact in all times. They depend on those who know and understand to assist them to do what we can to receive their help and use it in ways that amplify the impact it can have on our planet and population.



  • One, or as many as you like,  Generator Crystal - typically 6 sided with all points in the triangle meeting at the peak. Remember one charged crystal can be used to pass the energy on to other crystals at a later date.  Otherwise, a solid, strong crystal will suffice for training purposes, given many of us are in lock down and you have had little notice to prepare. The crystals can be small, medium or large in size. You can have more than one crystal for this ceremony-energy-medicine-making process. More info in this great article about Generator Crystals
  • A good sized clear bowl of filtered or natural water will suffice if you don't have a crystal, and you will need this anyway. Your crystal will be placed into the large vessel at some stage. If you don't have a Generator Crystal at this stage , the water will still capture the energies and you can keep it clean and safe and use to charge a crystal at a later date.
  • A clear jar that fits in the clear bowl. Two jars that fit into each other may work, but make room for the crystal to go into the large jar. A small class bottle and something to make a label to put on this. You can recycle an amber or clear medicine or spray bottle - not plastic if you can help it.  A glass jar with a lid will suffice. 
  • Any other crystals you have to create a space-intention-holding mandala. If you don't have crystals, then just use natural objects.
  • Nature pieces that you can collect early in the morning, or night before (if the night before, keep fresh with water sprays or in frig) - such as leaves and seeds off the ground, or flower pods. Make sure you ask permission before choosing, try and find on the ground rather than picking, and give back something in exchange - a hair or prayer or few words of gratitude.
  • One or more candles, and you might like to have some herbs that you can burn for ceremony. Ceremony Feathers Drum or rattle, or bells, bowls etc  Notepad
  • Some kind of natural preservative for the essence you will make - could be vodka, apple cider vinegar, white vinegar, grape-seed oil.
  •  A litre of clean, clear filtered or preferably natural water. If I don't have spring or natural water on hand, I filter my water and then put it in a glass bottle and sit it in the sun with crystals all around it for a few hours, or overnight. Pray over it and ask for it to be clean and clear.  You might also like to have some oils on hand to add to the water in the larger vessel that you will charge the energies with.



Earlier in the Morning or the Night Before - prepare all that you will need. Clean the space in preparation.

7.30am - Meet online; Acknowledgment; Connection; Introduction and Open Ceremony

8am - Beginning the Re(generation) Ceremony, guided by Heather,  as the planets and stars align with Mother Earth at this time.

9am - group share and close.



You will find three payment options - when you arrive on my website:

$33 is for those who are feeling Creative and willing to be inspired, supported into expansiveness in every way. At this time however, for reasons seemingly out of their control, those choosing this number today  are not able to generate an income at this time (or are single parents, or are unsupported financially by another parent). If this amount is unaffordable - please contact us for further options.  3 is the number for Creativity. Number 33 is a Master Number and a blessing from your Guardian angel, combining and offering the energies of creativity, honesty, compassion, inspiration, decisiveness, courage, expansion, good fortune and blessings.

$44 for those who are feeling feeling supported, loved and Inspired, and who are earning at present. Four is the number for Wholeness and Balance.Your angels and guides and the Universe are aware of your contribution and focused effort as a Co-Creator, as well as your dreams and wishes which are sure to be fulfilled with this number 44 as it symbolises the Law of Reciprocity and the Spirit Generosity, and the materialisation of desires and achieving goals. The number 44 hopes to evoke heartfelt decisions and inspire us to go after what we want. 

$55 for those who are feeling Free, Abundant and Benevolent. Five is the number for Freedom. The numerology number 55 is about independence, having all it takes to explore new areas of human and spiritual experience. Those blessed by this number focus on self-leadership, courageous exploration, and adventure. Those choosing the  vibration of number 55 are optimistic and outward looking, inspired by new experiences and new learnings. 

This offering is by ZOOM. A Zoom link will be sent to you when you register and pay. Thank you.


Payment Options

This offering is by ZOOM. A Zoom link will be sent to you when you register and pay. Thank you.

A Spirited Story


"The shamanic work has opened many doors of resolve and insight towards creating a better me.

Your methodology was so gentle and fulfilled a dream come true as it has enhanced my life, my relationships and my work now, and I am sure forever.

Thankyou so much.

Jo Ross



A Spirited Story


"Thank you so much for facilitating a soulful experience for myself yesterday. My journey within led to harvest  offerings in ways I cannot put into words. I am forever grateful to be reminded on a soul, spirit level my deep connection to self, other, my natural surroundings, the angelic and spirit realms. This 'way' opens up many doors if you trust and allow it to. I would highly recommend it to all who seek, healing, light and love.

Victoria, Shamanic Workshop Attendee

Create an Essence

of Your True-Heart Nature


A beautiful workshop in Nature. 

Date to be Announced.

I look forward to joining you in Nature in the Autumn to hold space for you to create an essence that reflects the truth of who you are.
Guided by the Sacred Drum and Shamanic Drum Journeys, you will call in your strengths and gifts to charge your essence with all you need to walk courageously, confidently and consciously on your path.
Please register your interest and the date will be announced in the near future.
Blessings, and I look forward to sharing this beautiful offering with you. It is one of the favourites of my trainees in Shamanic Path and Practice and this will be the first time I have offered outside of the training module called Healing the Ego to Discover the Authentic Self.

Your Investment


10am - 4pm

Maleny Neighbourhood Centre Garden

Date to be announced.



Get started today by subscribing to our mailing list.

With acknowledgement and respect for those who originally walked this country, and to current the custodians, elders past, present, and emerging, and my many teachers. To my ceremony sisters and brothers, thank you for walking with me and sharing your wisdom and love for this country and all peoples and beings of earth, water, fire and air. To the Old People returning, thank you for showing us the way home. ​​
Thank you for stopping by here and we hope to hear from you soon!