Origin Story
The 8 Ways
Shamanic Guidelines for Walking Consciously and Confidently, in Your True Nature
In 2009 I travelled to Hawai'i to undertake spiritual studies, to pay my respects to the land and ancestors of this deeply spiritual place, and to meet with old and new teachers whom I admire and have learned beautiful earth teachings from. I was divinely lead to this place, and the gifts I received while there were most unexpected and profound.
One of these great gifts was my meeting with Master Po, a gentle-natured guide and teacher from my Inner World who remains with and guides me still. Master Po first spoke to me in Hawaiian language, a great surprise to me. I purchased an Hawaiian dictionary while there so I could translate what he was telling me, a task that required a sharp ear, patience, and a great deal of trust. Fortunately Master Po has a great sense of humour, and our journey together is great fun and filled with love and joy.
In 2011, Master Po gifted me with The 8 Ways, guidelines for walking more consciously on the earth and to wake you up to your True Nature. I am proud to share these guidelines with you here, and ask that you take time to read into them and expand their meaning for yourself. Play with the words and how you feel when you say them. Think of animals that may make sounds like them. There is something magical about these Ways, in the words used, and their meanings.
I love these guidelines for many reasons, mainly because they encapsulate the major teachings that I have been guided to share for the past sixteen years since walking strongly on the shamanic path. I use these 8 Ways every day, reading through them or saying them to myself to bring me fully into the present, as well as to prepare myself for what may lay ahead. They are filled with simple, gentle, and powerful insight and wisdom.

Vision Planning
Be the Person You are Truly Destined to Be and Live the Life of Your Dreams.
This is your Vision Plan for fulfilling your dreams, visions and goals, with the tasks and steps that will assist you to do this. The format for this plan has come about after more than fifteen years of experience of guiding people who have lost their way to find clear direction and purpose in their life.
Over the years I developed a powerful, yet simple, formula to assist people to build their confidence in creating the life they want. This formula is called BE VAST NOW. I have used this formula in this Vision Planning Workbook.
I encourage you to put time away each day to work through each section of this workbook. The time it takes is up to you, and will depend on a number of factors.
While you will be given some examples of how you might think about your visions, you are encouraged to think for yourself and put your own stamp on the creation of each of your visions.
Please use all your senses to connect with your feelings to assist you to communicate your experience. Often it is the process of creating a plan that actually triggers the vibrational energy created by an emotional response that produces the outcomes you are seeking to bring into being.
This plan begins introducing you to some relevant Laws of Nature, and how they may play out in the process of manifestation.
After an explanation of your Creative Creation Space, you will be invited to create an overall ‘big picture’ of your life as you ideally imagine and allow it to be. You are taken through the steps one by one to clarify your vision, and to guide you into their co-creation. You will then be introduced to Whole Soul Consciousness, taking into account each major part of Self – the spiritual, physical, emotional, and intellectual aspects of who you are and what you hope to experience, to further define what it is you are inviting into your life.
Breaking down and considering the multiple facets of your Whole Soul Self in this way will give you an opportunity to clearly and confidently define goals and steps that you to do to support the creation of your life as you see and allow it to be. This clear definition will assist the Universe to know exactly what to send you – to meet you with.
Remember, you begin the creation process the very moment you take time to think about all that you want in life. Often we don’t take the time to be clear, and we may shift from one idea to another.
By having a vision plan, you are making a statement that you are ready to do all you can to meet your dreams consciously and confidently.
(This is an extract from the Introduction of this Workbook).

A Spirited Story
"It takes courage to move forward and if you challenge yourself, the world will challenge you back. It takes skill and courage to keep those who wish to learn, safe.
Heather is the skill and the courage!
Brett Kelly. Shamanic Studies

A Spirited Story
"I am forever grateful to be reminded on a soul, spirit level my deep connection to self, other, my natural surroundings, the angelic and spirit realms. This 'way' opens up many doors if you trust and allow it to. I would highly recommend it to all who seek, healing, light and love.
Jeng. Shamanic Practitioner Trainee
Your Investment
Purchase The 8 Ways plus your Vision Planning EBook today for only $25.00