Shamanic Path & Practice (SPP) Practitioner Training
You Are Invited Onto A Path Of Great Beauty, Love, Mystery and Wisdom. Â
Do you feel like your life is steering you toward living in a more purposeful, altruistic, simple way?
Does Nature speak to you with a promise that there is so much more to discover?
Do you at times feel an overwhelming love and compassion for humanity, and want to help in some meaningful way?
Is serving and supporting communities you live in super important to you?
Do you have a strong Inner Voice that is guiding and nudging you toward a more sacred path?Â
Do you feel energy surging through your hands and body at times, creating a feeling of connection with a powerful energetic force of Spirit and/or Nature?
If you answered yes to more than one of these questions, you may well have received a call to be a shamanic healing practitioner.Â
Register Your InterestThe Call To Be A Shamanic Practitioner
Apprenticeship Training with Heather Price and SPP
There are several pathways to become a shamanic healing practitioner. Here are five ways that are known to me.Â
The path is inherited from a shamanic healing practitioner in the family by a child or adult who shows the ability and skill to accept and continue this role in family and community.
Someone in a community will be seen as having the ability to walk this path and will be taken under the wing of the village shaman, taught the ways of the shamanic pathwalker and healing practitioner.
Someone will have suffered and survived great trauma which transported them to worlds beyond the visible world. Here they meet Inner Guides and Teachers who teach them the shamanic way.
A person may be called to this way after hearing or reading about it, or going to a practitioner for a shamanic healing, and seek out a teacher to learn with as an Apprentice, one to one.
Or, a person may be called to this way after hearing or reading about it, or going to a practitioner for a shamanic healing, and seek out a teacher and join a group of students interested in this path.
This is a path where Spirit meets Nature, where the World Above meets the Worlds Below, Within and Around you. If you feel called to this path then you are already on it. For the call comes from within, and you know it to be true. It causes you to go looking for someone to guide you on the path.
You need to have reached a certain level of consciousness to acknowledge and follow this call. If you choose to study with me, then this will be a very personal journey, where you are enabled to grow and expand gently into the wisdom that is waiting for you on your pathway, as a Shamanic Path and Practice (SPP) practitioner.
The difference between this course and A Shamanic Path (ASP) is that your are choosing to not only walk the path for your personal journey of expansion and healing, you are called to be of service to others. You are honouring your healing gifts and allowing them to flow out to the world for the greater good.Â
To reassure you that you will be in safe hands should you decide to take the journey with SPP, and to demonstrate how you can move from a healing journey of self into one of service to others, I have included feedback from one of my students, who at the time of writing this was at SPP Level Two training and is now a fully trained SPP graduate, with her own thriving healing business. My gratitude to Maricris Dela Cruz Stanton for sharing her experience as both a client, and an Apprentice of Shamanic Path and Practice.
"Heather Price is a gifted Psychic intuitive and Shamanic Practitioner. I first met Heather during a challenging time in my personal life. Our relationship started off as client and creative healer. Heather provided me with healing and the tools I needed to move forward in my life independently as a strong, confident and empowered woman. I was very inspired by the work that she does and felt a calling to embark on my own journey to become a Shamanic Practitioner, as a healer for myself and others, helping others find their light and love within. It was at this stage, that my relationship with Heather became one of student and teacher. I started my Shamanic Practitioner Training a few months ago, and it has been one of the BEST things I've done in my life. I'm now doing level 2 of the Shamanic Practitioner Training and it has been absolutely amazing so far. Through my work with Heather, I have not only learned so much about myself but also learned about the positive and powerful ways we can walk in the world.
My work with Heather has been done through individual training (one on one basis). I have found this way to be more personal, more inspiring and more powerful. I feel I'm getting a lot more out of it because Heather at this individual level, is able to cater for my individual learning style. Heather speaks from her heart. She continues to offer me nuggets of wisdom during the training, which you are able to use in your own life. I have learnt a lot about the Shamanic path and how healing can occur on a variety of levels using a variety of methods.
During our one on one sessions, Heather uses all moments in our training, whether planned/intentional or spontaneous, as a teaching tool. I've experienced many "AHA" moments through them.
I feel Heather's approach to Shamanic Path and Practice is very unique, I say this because, she provides us with the tools, skills and knowledge to be able to carry out this work independently and with ease, where we are not dependent on her. She enhances our own skills and helps us walk confidently and powerfully in the world. Â As a Teacher, she is very patient, honest, kind, warm, down to earth, loving and confident. She walks in the world in a very empowered yet graceful way. She has inspired me to speak my truth and honor my true self.
I feel Heather Price is a living example of someone who walks boldly in this world, practicing what she teaches and loving herself and others in a very remarkable and amazing way. Heather has blessed my life tremendously and I pray that she will also bless your life with her light, helping and guiding you to see the beauty that lies within.
Much love and gratitude always and in all ways."
Maricris Dela Cruz Stanton. Divine Self-Love Healing Practitioner
A Journey Into The Sacred
There is no doubt or denying this is a sacred journey.
Each one of us will take our own path to discover more about the deeper meaning of life. The shamanic path is familiar with the sacred as all life and all that supports life is valued. There is no difference between valuing a stone and valuing animal on this path. Each is seen as equal for its service to the nature, the planet and humanity. The earth itself is seen as sacred.Â
In Celtic shamanism, groves of trees, called nemetons, were seen as particularly sacred places and power spots where ceremonies were held (D.J. Con way, Advanced Celtic Shamanism, p.170). This journey will take you into the sacred as you learn to listen to and engage with the benevolent spirits within nature and the cosmos who are wanting to guide your healing work.Â
So, this course is not for the feint-hearted curios, though curiosity is a driver for sure. A shamanic practitioner is always curious about why their client is ill, or has lost their way. They will track back in time to find anything that contributes to the imbalance presenting. They will navigate ancestral paths to discover imprints aligned with a persistent burden or condition.Â
There are many worlds to travel to to find the cause and the answer. There is much that can be reasoned and a great deal that will remain unexplained.Â
The journey is filled with parody, with excitement in a search for evidence and meaning, while at the same time the practitioner will need nothing but faith in sacred whispers to guide their methodology and reason.
This pathway is filled with mystery and alchemy. If it calls you, you will know. You must choose your teacher and your time to study wisely. Be reassured that you cannot make a mistake, for at times you may learn more about what not to do, rather than what to do. This is a journey that strengthens your values and connects you with your innate gifts.

Training Outline
Level 1 Foundational Shamanic Practitioner Training
Healing Within the Sacred Circle & Safe Shamanic Practice. 20 Training hours
Training Outcomes
By the end of level one, if we are both satisfied with the results of the assessments, it is expected you will have:
Enough knowledge of Shamanic Path and Practice to begin practical application of your skills away from the learning environment as a trainee, with evidence of a medium level of confidence and skill.
You will have learned how to contract and communicate clearly with your client.
Your knowledge of application of shamanic tools will be limited, yet sufficient to bring your client into a place of wellbeing and balance. This includes foundational studies in drum healing and journeying.
If you have prior skills in counselling or psychotherapy, you will be able to integrate what you know and go beyond what you are shown at this level.Â
Training Outline
About Shamanism and the call to Shamanic Path and Practice and Heather Price. History of shamanic healing, practices, tools, maps and traditions.
PPP: Preparation for Safe Practice – for Practitioner, Space, and Client. Daily preparation for self, environment and client – grounding, cleansing and energy management skills.
Client Assessment, Contracting. The power of intention and goal setting. Basic communication and social skills for building rapport and safe practice.
Crystal Pendulum for Dowsing Direction, Muscle Testing, Measurement/Assessment. Introduction to foundational shamanic tools for shamanic path and practice and practical introduction to the foundation of hands-on shamanic healing.
ACE – Aura, Chakras and Entities. Vibrational energy field and chakra repair and balancing. Detecting damage in and repairing auras and chakras, balancing energy. Detecting and safely moving multi-dimensional entities and invasive energies. Includes dialogue around Star-Beings and removal of transmitter implants.
TTT – Track, Travel and Transform energy and psychic Imprint in the Vibrational Energy Field - Exploration and healing developing practical skills in energy tracking, clearing and restoring. Building emotional, spiritual, physical and cognitive resilience and restoration through tracking, understanding and validating original and repetitive pattern imprinting.
Chord removal in a non-harming, respectful way.
Finding answers, healing and guidance in the natural environment, including animal kingdom.
The 8 directions of the Sacred Circle Map with Blueprints to support you. Practical application of the Sacred Circle in ceremony, story-talk, and outdoors if the weather permits. Introduction to the four major elements.
Introduction Shamanic Drum Journey.
Home practice, study and record keeping of own development.
Closing Session, Client Assessment and Measurement, and Future Goals
Cleaning Practitioner and Space.
Case studies in preparation for Level Two and as evidence of competency.
Level 2 Foundational Shamanic Practitioner Training
Ego Development for Soul Retrieval & Deeper Connection with True-Heart Consciousness. Â 20 Training Hours
Training Outcomes
By the end of level two it is expected you will:
Have enough knowledge of Shamanic Path and Practice to create significant, lasting shifts in your client, with evidence of a high level of confidence and skill.
You will have learned how to assist your client to clarify their vision for the present, and future each time, and begun to feel more informed around any self-created, blocks they may have.
Your understanding and application of shamanic tools and practice will have increased. Â
Training Outline
Recap Sacred Circle Map. Revision Level One.
Continuation of Formula for Practice Structure - BE VAST NOW
Energising and focusing your client on their Inner Healing.
Creating a clear contract and intention for the session, and Vision for the Future
Establishing supportive mind set and drivers to take action.
Transitional Stages, the Ego, and Tracking and Transforming Resistance.
Introduction to Shamanic Blueprints for Ego development within the Sacred Circle.
Introduction WASPS theory as blocks for change.
Introduction the CRABS theory as psychic imprints in the Aura – Auric Healing.Â
Shamanic Tools for Healing. Creative Visualisation for Healing. Medicine Drum Journeys to meet your power animals and inner guides.
Ceremony and Healing
Begin to practice creating ceremony and use The Sacred Circle Map as ceremony to guide you in self-healing and knowing
The 8 Ways – an Introduction
Integration.  A practical demonstration of all the teachings so far – by teacher and student.
Deepening your relationship with the spirits of nature in natural settings.
Level 3 Foundational Shamanic Practitioner Training
Ancestral & Archetypal Healing. 16 Training hours
Training Outcomes
By the end of level three, if you have completed the level two studies and all parties are satisfied with the results of the assessments, it is expected you will have enough knowledge of Shamanic Path and Practice to:
Create significant, lasting shifts in your client, with evidence of a high level of confidence and skill.
You will have assisted your client to further know himself or herself and recognise and understand the blocks, personal, and inherited, that present themselves from time to time and prevent flow.
You will be more familiar in using the Sacred Circle and Chakra Maps to assist this process and give you direction for the healing process.
You will have learned how to support your client in tracking, shifting and transforming these blocks in their emotional and psychic bodies.
You will be more familiar with BE VAST NOW in both levels, and able to assist your client with their vision for the present, and future each time.
Your knowledge and skills in application of shamanic tools will have increased.
You will also have developed a stronger connection with your intuitive guidance and Inner Guides, and have had an opportunity to become more familiar with other worlds, and the healing power of nature.
Training Outline
Recap on tools and skills learned so far and measure your level of knowledge in these areas, and what needs to be revisited.
Energy Maps – More about the Sacred Circle Map through Ceremony and Ritual.
CHAKRA MAP – Explore transitional stages and meaning of each chakra from a shamanic perspective.
More on Psychic Imprinting – Heart – Body – Mind Connections.
Revisit the WASPS theory –
Introduction to Archetypes, though will have heard of them by now. This is an important part of SPP and you will learn more at each level.
An overview to generate thought and discussion on your roots and heritage.
Ancestral Healing – an introduction. Examine and explore the possible genetic reasons for how and why our lives unfold the way they do, from a shamanic perspective. You will learn a number of powerful and gentle techniques to transform ancestral imprinting.
TTT in the Emotional and Physical Body. Â Track ~ Travel ~ and Transform
Continue to explore the practical application of Releasing Psychic Imprints.
Develop your intuitive skills and open your third eye further with exercises, including channeling and automatic writing.
Introduction of Grandmother Healing and working with Essences and Elements Applying shamanic skills to track through the body and other worlds to understand, heal, release, and transform psychic imprints in the emotional and physical body.Â
Archetypes and Shamanic Practice Continues
You will continue to experience medicine drum journeys to meet with and seek the assistance of your power animals and healing archetypes.Â
Weather permitting; some of this will take place in natural settings.
Demonstration by your teacher and by you of skills learned so far
You will be shown a way to practice using remote healing techniques..
You will be working with clients by this stage – at home, and hopefully within the training environment. You are asked to collect interested parties as you clients to come along to the lesson.
Alternatively, you can tape your healing session at home, and bring it to the lesson to discuss.
Deepening your relationship with the spirits of nature in natural settings.
Level Four Foundational Shamanic Healing Practitioner TrainingÂ
Time Travel and Psychic Healing 16 Hours
Training Outcomes
By the end of level four, if you have completed the level two studies and all parties are satisfied with the results of the assessments, it is expected you will have enough knowledge of Shamanic Path and Practice to:
Create significant, lasting shifts in your client, with evidence of a high level of confidence and skill.
You will have met all the targets in earlier levels.
You will confidently be using the Sacred Circle, Chakra, Ego, and BE VAST NOW maps as a solid framework, to guide you.
Your understanding, knowledge, and confidence in the application of shamanic tools, including using ceremony, will have increased.
You will have expanded both personally and professionally, and will be seeing tangible evidence of this.
You will also have developed a stronger connection with your intuitive guidance and Inner Guides and Teachers, and have had an opportunity to become more familiar with other worlds, and the healing powers of nature.
You will be practicing your skills with clients and have evidence of case studies and progress.
You will be recording sessions and using these to recap.
 Training Outline
Past Life Regression and Shamanic Healing.
How to detect when you will use this in the session.
Ethics and Permission to use this method.
Introduction to a standard method of accessing a past life.
Demonstration by trainer in Past Life Regression.
Demonstrations by Trainee in Past Life Regression.
Past Life Portals in Nature.
Psychic Extraction
Recap on what methods of psychic extraction you have learned so far.
When and where you might practice psychic extraction and how this fits into your foundational practice.
We discuss the variety of tools and processes that can be used in psychic extraction.
An introduction to safely travelling in through portals to other dimensions of time and place.
You will be taught how to travel with your client and guide them through a process of healing.
Deepening your relationship with the spirits of nature in natural settings.
Level Five Advanced Shamanic Healing Practitioner TrainingÂ
Crystals and Guides 16 Hours
Training Outcomes
This level is invites you further explore your intuitive senses within multi-dimensional worlds. The main focus in on trusting yourself and your intuition, and your Inner Guides and Teachers and the Spirit of Crystals to guide you. By the end of level five, if you have completed the level two studies and all parties are satisfied with the results of the assessments, it is expected you will have enough knowledge of Shamanic Path and Practice to practice all off the above skills in levels 1 – 4 plus…
Training Outline
Trust your answers can be found in the inner worlds when combined with the outer world presentations and logic.
Trust and explore your own creative flow.
Build your crystal resources.
Communicating with your Inner Guides and Teaches.
Purpose, and where it fits in you practice.
Seeking permission to enter the other worlds to assist your client. Client centred practice.
Methodology – keeping in mind a variety of communications styles.
Reading Signs in nature and in your healing space.
Working with Crystals – Advanced Practice
Communicating with crystals spirits.
Identifying and programming purpose for crystals.
Visit a crystal warehouse and explore the crystal world in an expansive way – perhaps adding to your personal collection.
Reading into crystals – in a practical, objective way, and by scrying and intuitive guidance from crystal spirits.
Crystals healing using Sacred Circle Map.
Remote healing with crystals and chakra system.
Crystal gridding.
Deepening your relationship with the spirits of nature in natural settings.
Level Six Advanced Shamanic Healing Practitioner Training
Symbolism & Dreamwork 16 Hours
Level Six SPP Training Outcomes
By the end of level six, if you have completed the level two studies and all parties are satisfied with the results of the assessments, it is expected you will have enough knowledge of Shamanic Path and Practice to confidently work with your clients and their dreams and you and will take steps to :Â
Understand the nature and purpose of dreams.
Explore how dreams fit into space and time.
Explore the power of symbology in its many forms, using objective and subjective approaches to glean and apply information.
Explore New Story and Dream Creation.
Confidently integrate Dreamwork into your existing practice.
Deepening your relationship with the spirits of nature in natural settings.
Training Outline
BE VAST NOW advanced practice.
Creative and Multidimensional approaches to future planning.
Clarity in the meaning and purpose of Visions, Dreams, and Goals and how they support each other.
Symbolism to hold the Dreaming.
The 8 Ways to create guidelines for walking strongly in the world.
Deepening your relationship with the spirits of nature in natural settings.
Stepping out with Shamanic Path and Practice as a fully trained practitioner.
Work placement and experience as an assistant for sacred space workshops.
Level Seven Advanced Shamanic Healing Practitioner TrainingÂ
Vision Planning for Your Business and Life. 16 Hours
Training Outcomes
This level is designed to train you in Vision Planning, using your own practice and goals to develop the skills to coach your client through be more certain of who they are and their purpose in life. It has a business slant and is excellent training for those of you who are setting themselves up in business or who are setting out to take shamanic practices into corporate settings. By the end of level seven, if you have completed the level two studies and all parties are satisfied with the results of the assessments, it is expected you will have enough knowledge of Shamanic Path and Practice to:
Put into practice all the skills acquired in levels 1 – 8 plus feel sure how to support a client in planning for their future visions at all levels – spiritual, physical, emotional, and mindful.
A deeper understanding of your own direction and purpose.
Become aware of and in alignment with the spirit of your business.
Shamanic practices in the workplace to support multicultural and soulful practices.
Training Outline
BE VAST NOW advanced practice.
Creative and Multidimensional approaches to future planning.
Clarity in the meaning and purpose of Visions, Dreams, and Goals and how they support each other.
Symbolism to hold the Dreaming.
The 8 Ways to create guidelines for walking strongly in the world.
Deepening your relationship with the spirits of nature in natural settings.
Stepping out with Shamanic Path and Practice as a fully trained practitioner.
Work placement and experience as an assistant for sacred space workshops.
Level Eight Advanced Shamanic Healing Practitioner Training
Group Facilitator Holding Community Ceremony, Journeying and Workshops. Includes some Space Clearing Training 16 HoursÂ
Training Outcomes
Create a crystal mandala for space and energy holding in groupwork, guided by teachings of the Sacred Circle Map of Consciousness.
Creative approaches for inclusive and dynamic groupwork.
Weave the Sacred Circle teachings with ease and grace into group facilitation.
Journey with the medicine drum with ease and grace.
Shamanic tools for healing, manifesting, prayer and ceremony.
Guide others on a shamanic journey with confidence.
Healing, clearing and visioning for living and work spaces and land, guided by shamanic teachings and tools.
Training Outline
BE VAST NOW advanced practice.
Creative and Multidimensional approaches to future planning.
Clarity in the meaning and purpose of Visions, Dreams, and Goals and how they support each other.
Symbolism to hold the Dreaming.
The 8 Ways to create guidelines for walking strongly in the world.
Deepening your relationship with the spirits of nature in natural settings.
Stepping out with Shamanic Path and Practice as a fully trained practitioner.
Work placement and experience as an assistant for sacred space workshops.
APPRENTICE TRAINING: At this stage, all training is one to online or if possible face to face. You will speak to Heather in person to make sure there is a fit before signing up.
COST: All training is $160 an hour. This price is reviewed and may be increased in July each year. Conditions apply regarding cancellation policies and time for payment. This is clearly outlined in your contract once you have taken the next step.
ASSESSMENTS: You will be given an opportunity to assess and monitor your progress throughout the trainingÂ
CERTIFICATES: Each level attracts a completion of studies certificate. Please note that this work is not accredited.
LEVELS 1 – 4: These are Foundational Modules. At the end of Level Four, with all you need for safe and effective shamanic practice, you now have permission to call yourself an SPP Practitioner.

A Spirited Story
"I found the Shamanic Practitioner Training to be the most comprehensive and user friendly introduction to the sacred and ancient shamanic principles. I developed my skills and understanding of crystals, chakras and auras beyond what I expected to attain from the course. I bettered my ability to hold sacred space with love and respect to the Ancestors, the Animals, my Self and Spirit. I particularly love that Heather takes us out to sacred natural spots, to connect with Mother Earth in ceremony, allowing us to immerse ourselves in the magic that is waiting there for those with the knowledge. I recommend this course to anyone who wants to connect deeper and discover more magic."
Tanya Kurzbock - Intuitive Artist and Emotional Colour Therapy Facilitator

A Spirited Story
"I completed Heather’s Shamanic Practitioner Training a couple of years ago and I find it enhances my life in so many ways, especially in my awareness of things at a shamanic level, my own healing journey, and also in my counselling and healing work with clients.
Heather is a wonderful and inspiring teacher who shares her knowledge and amazing range of skills so beautifully, and I recommend this course to anyone wanting to go deeper at an energetic and shamanic level into every aspect of their lives".
Chirone Witsen - Stargazer Astrology DFAstrols, MA, Grad Dip Counselling Member Association of Professional Astrologers
Call to SPP Practice
There are many reasons why students I have taught find their way to my door. Often they come thinking they are going to enhance their skills as a practitioner, and while they definitely do, each student walks away taking far more than that with them. SPP practitioner training is as much a personal as a professional journey.
If you feel the call the next step is to register your interest and I will make contact with you.
Each student has the opportunity to talk this out with me before making a final decision as to whether this training, and me as their trainer, fits for them.
Key benefits from this course
- You will learn shamanic ways to assist you to discover and strengthen and grow in spirit, body, heart and mind.
- You will enjoy deep connections with your Inner guides and make great within your Inner World.
- You will experience tremendous, moments of awe, joy and inspiration.
- You will feel confident from level one to begin working with people in need of energy healing and balance.
Frequently Asked Question 1
Frequently Asked Question 2
Frequently Asked Question 3
Frequently Asked Question 4
Time To Take Action
Follow this portal to the next step in signing up to becoming a Shamanic Path and Practice healing practitioner and an empowered co-creator of your life.
Get started today before this once in a lifetime opportunity expires.